Starring the Great Hall Youth Theatre

Come have a good laugh with P. G. Wodehouse’s classic comedic novel adapted to the stage for young actors by Stephen Gashler. Aristocrats Bertie and Beaulah Wooster attempt to solve the problems of friends and family, only to make things ten times worse. Only Jeeves, their cunning maid, can save the day.

Also Playing this Week ...

Fred, the deranged 'bulldozer man', shows up a the home a girl (Kacey) who, twenty years ago, offended him on a playground. To stop him from bulldozing her house, Kacey must confront her past. (Playing with RIGHT HO, JEEVES)

Great Hall's Youth Theatre runs year-round with open enrollments and only monthly commitments. Whether your youth is just dabbling with acting or wants to star in the next musical, there are lots of great workshops and events to be a part of.

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