We want to produce your script!

Yes, your script. We know you have a great idea for a play. Whether it's still stewing on the back burner or is a polished, final draft (supposing such a thing existed), let us help you bring your work to life. If your script is a good fit for Great Hall's Performing Arts Festival in June, we'll find a director and actors to perform your play in front of live audiences and potentially win a cash prize. Best of all, it won't cost you a dime. Just click below to learn more about the festival. If you're ready to go, you can upload your script today. Otherwise, you only have until June 1st, so better get busy!

Also looking for singer-songwriters, bands, comedians, dancers, and more

Do you know a musician, storyteller, or entertainer? Great Hall's Performing Arts Festival is an opportunity for any emerging artist to take center stage, win an award, and take home a cash prize. Over an entire week's worth of events, there's tons of opportunities for everyone who belongs on a stage, and now's the time to prepare (audition deadline: June 1st).

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