Do You Know Any Boys Who Would Be Interested in Joining a Fantastic Halloween Play?

Looking for Ghosts and Ghouls, Monsters and Zombies ... as well as a brave hero, a brilliant doctor, and a conniving villain. TAKE MY DEATH AWAY YOUTH 2023, playing at the Angelus Theatre in October, is just getting started with casting, and we're looking for a few more boys of any skill level to join the fun.

How it Works

This thrilling Halloween musical is part of the Great Hall Youth Theater's Music Dance Theatre class, which meets Mon, Wed, and Fri from 3:00 - 5:00 pm over the summer (and from 4:00 - 6:00 during the school year). Casts are always small, and every youth is featured. There is a monthly tuition to cover instruction, facilities, set, costumes, etc. Click below or call or text 801-900-3035 to get started.

Also Casting the Adult Production

For performers over 16-years-old, sign up today for a video audition (looking for strong singers, dancers, and actors) or learn more about this exciting show by clicking below. Come be a part of the best-selling show at the Angelus Theatre, back for its fourth year!

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