Are you a composer, playwright, actor, singer-songwriter, dancer?

We, the producers of Great Hall feel blessed to have seen our works come to life in front of live audiences year after year, so we created the arts festival in the hope of helping other aspiring artists have the same opportunities. The festival was a blast in 2022, and we're excited to see it come back, bigger and better in 2023. All the festival lacks is you!

Sign up to compete or come and enjoy an exciting festival of performing arts, including short plays, local comedians, musicians, dancers, and more. With tons of competitions, awards, and prizes, this festival is a perfect opportunity for performing artists of all kinds to get in front of audiences, win recognition, and advance their careers.

Treasure Island 2023 at the Angelus

Contests include a 24 Hour Play Festival, a short play festival, a variety (talent) festival, a music festival, and possibly a film festival. If you love to write, direct, act, sing, dance, tell stories, or entertain, then come join the fun! There are plenty of awards to go around. Don't miss your chance to get seen and heard.

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